We develop technology that sets new standards for monitoring bacterial levels in water

What we do


BactiQuant ensures optimum usage and handling of water around the world to the benefit of our customers and the sustainability of our planet.


BactiQuant wants to be the global leader in mobile and online surveillance of bacterial contamination levels.

We are headquartered in Denmark and operate across five continents.

We are covering a wide range of industries, from pure water to extremely complex industrial water.

Our commitment to the environment

How we work

Bactiquant combines the words “Bacteria” and “Quantify,” as that is what we do. We help you quantify the amount of bacteria in water.

In fact, at BactiQuant, we have made it our mission to deliver technology that ensures optimum water usage and handling worldwide – to benefit our customers’ health, well-being, and sustainability. We are so serious about what we do that we have the vision to become the world leader in mobile and online surveillance of bacterial contamination levels.

BactiQuant contributes to four of UN's Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 6

Goal 6

BactiQuant provides a comprehensive solution for measuring and continuously monitoring bacteria levels in water supplies, in the whole water treatment chain from raw water to the end user, increasing water safety, health and a steady supply of clean drinking water.

Goal 9

Goal 9

BactiQuant helps the industry to reduce corrosion and biofouling, enhancing and supporting asset management, hereby increasing preventive maintenance, and extending asset lifespans and sustainability.

Goal 12

Goal 12

BactiQuant can help industries to optimize and reduce the use of biocides. Support the reuse and optimal utilization of water resources, and control wastewater before it is released into the environment.

Goal 14

Goal 14

BactiQuant’s measurement and monitoring of bacteria levels in land-based aquaculture facilities prosperous, safe and controlled production, increasing fish welfare and reducing ocean fishing and the negative impact of ocean-based aquaculture.

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