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Contamination in any shape or form

In the pharmaceutical industry, the critical task at hand for businesses is to develop and produce life-improving medicine. They serve a vital function in society but need to keep profit margins stable to secure resources for R&D spending, which fuels further development. One of the significant pains present in the industry is the risk of supplying flawed medicine to consumers, which can provide a severe health risk to patients.

If the supply line is contaminated in any shape or form, it comes with high waste and downtime costs. In worst-case scenarios, it can mean massive recalls that have severe financial consequences for the company.

Due to the health aspects associated with pharmaceutical production, authorities have high regulatory requirements, leading to expensive and complex production.

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Secure near real-time monitoring of production

With BactiQuant, we can secure near real-time monitoring of the production facilities’ water quality, which provides an entirely new dimension to process control in the supply chain. In-line process control allows consistent feedback to the production team rather than waiting days or weeks for water quality measurements.

Getting water measurements in near real-time allows for much faster adjustments and corrective actions, which reduces waste, downtime, and total water usage. Ultimately, it provides a much more efficient flow in the production process and less use of resources, which results in higher operating margins and more insight into product quality. Through our mix of Online and Mobile Lab production solutions, pharma businesses can constantly monitor water quality in their production. Through Mobile Lab, they can perform troubleshooting their water systems and identify any defects in case of issues


How it works

How Bactiquant’s technology works

BactiQuant’s easy-to-use technology provides a fast and accurate microbial water quality assessment, reducing the analysis time from days to minutes.

The BactiQuant technology offers an online and mobile solution that promptly quantifies the content of bacteria in water systems. The technology can be implemented at critical control points throughout the water systems network.

The unique combination of handheld and online technology provides an unprecedented comprehensive capability to react and follow up on water quality deviation.


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