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Hygiene is critical

In all adiabatic humidifiers, water hygiene is a critical issue. Water is atomized, evaporated, and absorbed in the surrounding air - and if the water contains bacteria, it will also be transferred to the air. Professional humidification solutions are important to many industries where hygiene is critical. There is a need for a rapid, robust and reliable tool to test our systems in the field. For data centers, hygiene is vital to ensure that the water added to the air is safe for humans and products.

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Hygiene management in water systems.

BactiQaunt technology is an excellent tool for field technicians, not only for verification of hygiene level but also for on-site diagnosis of contaminated systems. Instead of waiting days for results, we offer a solution to act immediately and ensure that systems are safe for the customer. Monitoring in near real-time saves a lot of money and time and - best of all - provides a safe work environment.

Develop hygiene management plans, making it possible to reduce the use of biocides while simultaneously ensuring an efficient cooling system.

How it works

How Bactiquant’s technology works

BactiQuant’s easy-to-use technology provides a fast and accurate microbial water quality assessment, reducing the analysis time from days to minutes.

The BactiQuant technology offers an online and mobile solution that promptly quantifies the content of bacteria in water systems. The technology can be implemented at critical control points throughout the water systems network.

The unique combination of handheld and online technology provides an unprecedented comprehensive capability to react and follow up on water quality deviation.


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