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Labour-intensive and time-consuming monitoring

The reuse of water in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) has significant environmental benefits as water consumption is reduced and the water is cleaned. In RAS, however, dissolved compounds and delicate particulate organic matter are complicated to remove, leading to a high risk of microparticles accumulating in the system, serving as a food source and a reservoir for bacterial colonization.

Traditional methods for monitoring bacterial and fungal levels are labor-intensive. They have long analysis times, typically 2-5 days, making them irrelevant in a RAS operation where bacterial numbers can increase exponentially.

The high risk of fungal infection and uncontrolled bacterial proliferation in RAS can lead to disease outbreaks and unstable water quality affecting mortality, fish welfare, and performance.

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Rapid fungal and bacteria monitoring to the rescue

Once fungal and bacterial growth has occurred, it should not take a week to get an analysis result. This challenge led BactiQuant to conceptualize an easy-to-use technology to provide a fast and accurate assessment of bacterial levels. We wanted to give a process tool that allows the RAS operator to make rapid and relevant operational decisions based on facts.

We firmly believe that stable water quality is the key to reduced mortality, better fish welfare, and higher product quality.

Read more about FungiCount

How it works

How Bactiquant’s technology works

BactiQuant’s easy-to-use technology provides a fast and accurate microbial water quality assessment, reducing the analysis time from days to minutes.
The BactiQuant technology is based on a patented method to target an enzyme activity naturally occurring in a wide range of bacteria, representing all major taxonomical groups, including free-living bacteria and the highly relevant bacteria for aquaculture, particle-associated bacteria (PAB).

For fungal issues, you can use our handheld device with FungiCount, which quickly detects fungal content, including spores, hyphae, and micro fragments.

The advantage of the technology is that it provides robust, reproducible, and relevant results that can be readily translated into operational decisions. The return on investment is a few months just by reducing mortality by one-seventh in a typical RAS production system.


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Monitoring microbial water quality in near real-time

Read our Whitepaper for an optimal and stable aquaculture production environment.


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